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May 24 2019
The rain has started falling again, and I am once again staring out the window wondering when and if it will stop
perfect storm
May 23 2019
The record cold, all the snow, and now the intense flooding that’s occurred since mid-March really has played havoc on moving forward with field work
May 22 2019
I don’t care how I get it, lottery? Rich uncle? Random Nigerian prince that I bail out of jail and is then so thankful he sends me loads of cash? But how would I spend it?
May 21 2019
Summer is right around the corner, which to many of us in agriculture and rural communities means one thing — fair season
May 20 2019
Fresh cows are the future of your herd. Their production will determine profitability over the next year
May 17 2019
From a business standpoint, the most money saved per heifer on a dairy farm can be saved in the weaned pens. This accounts for calves that are weaned up to when they are around 150 days...
May 16 2019
If you do what you love for a living, you’ll never work a day in your life. I have seen that sentiment written often, especially recently. Maybe because it is graduation time and there is so much...
May 14 2019
If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it's that we don't know anything
May 10 2019
What’s the best heat stress abatement practice? Standing? No. That’s not the correct answer, but if you watch a pen of cows that are experiencing heat stress, it sometimes appears to be their...
May 9 2019
Many of my days are similar to most of yours. I juggle things on the home front while helping out where needed in the barn
May 8 2019
We’ve never been that herd with the consistently low somatic cell count (SCC). Back when quality bonuses were a thing, we rarely hit the highest bonus level even though we tried everything to bring...
May 6 2019
Guernseys were the foundational breed of the Hoard’s Dairyman herd when the farm was started by W.D. Hoard in 1899. More than a century later, in 2009, Jerseys were added to the herd, and they have...
May 6 2019
Guernseys were the foundational breed of the Hoard’s Dairyman herd when the farm was started by W.D. Hoard in 1899. More than a century later, in 2009, Jerseys were added to the herd,...
May 1 2019
I’m getting old. I used to be able to pull all-nighters with ease, but this past week has proven that those days have seriously passed
April 30 2019
There are some things in life that leave a lasting impression. Moments and memories from childhood that stand out from the rest — even a simple image can return a flood of memories
April 29 2019
The first day of school. Getting your driver’s license. Graduation day. Each is new beginning that comes with responsibility and new experiences
April 23 2019
How do you define strength? Does it mean you squat 300 pounds and do 30 unbroken pull ups? Is strength being a dairy producer, waking every morning to face yet another day of hardships — but doing...
April 22 2019
Have you ever seen something so outrageous about dairy farming online that you wanted to jump in and tell someone how wrong they were? I have, too
April 19 2019
Growing up and grocery shopping with my mom, I remember grabbing cheese, butter, cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt almost every time we went to the store
ACE 2019
April 17 2019
The Ag Career Exploration (ACE) experience had a new look this year! With the help of a few more organizations, the ACE event took on the goal of preparing for the future by investing in today